
7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG

Am Mar­tin­szehn­ten 13
60437 Frank­furt am Main

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Reg­istry court: Frank­furt am Main Com­mer­cial reg­is­ter no.: HRA 47976 VAT ID No.: DE295792662
rep­re­sent­ed by the Gen­er­al Part­ner 7Days Ver­wal­tungs GmbH Com­pa­ny head­quar­ters: Frank­furt am Main CEO: Mr Thomas Kirschn­er Reg­istry court: Frank­furt am Main Com­mer­cial reg­is­ter no.: HRB 99339

Web­site exe­cu­tion

We Are York GmbH

Zwinglis­trasse 30

CH-8004 Zurich

Legal information on copyright

All graph­ics and texts are the sole prop­er­ty of 7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG (unless oth­er­wise stat­ed) and may not be copied, used in oth­er media or oth­er­wise repro­duced or pub­lished for com­mer­cial pur­pos­es with­out its con­sent and per­mis­sion.

The rights to com­pa­ny names, com­pa­ny logos, trade­marks etc. lie with the respec­tive com­pa­ny or own­er. All prod­uct and brand names men­tioned are reg­is­tered trade­marks of the respec­tive licence hold­ers.

For pri­vate pur­pos­es, and pri­vate pur­pos­es only, you may store the files of 7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG and also make them avail­able to oth­er per­sons. Please note that the rights to com­pa­ny names, com­pa­ny logos, trade­marks, brand names etc. lie with the respec­tive com­pa­ny or own­er, and you may be required to obtain their autho­riza­tion.

If you wish to use infor­ma­tion from the web­sites of 7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG for busi­ness pur­pos­es, you will require per­mis­sion from 7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG. An e‑mail inform­ing it which texts are to be used, for which pur­pose and in which medi­um will gen­er­al­ly suf­fice.

7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG endeav­ours at all times to present all con­tent cor­rect­ly and with­out tech­ni­cal faults. How­ev­er, 7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG can­not guar­an­tee that no errors have crept in. There­fore, 7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG assumes no respon­si­bil­i­ty for con­se­quen­tial dam­ages and no lia­bil­i­ty for dam­ages and oth­er adverse con­se­quences that may arise from the uti­liza­tion of the infor­ma­tion pages of 7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG. If you have noticed any errors, please inform the 7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG web­mas­ter, to enable these errors to be cor­rect­ed quick­ly.

Where com­pa­nies, prod­ucts, brand names, ser­vices or links to third-par­ty offers are men­tioned, this does not con­sti­tute a rec­om­men­da­tion from 7Days Group GmbH & Co. KG.