Success story – Migros Online: More than just shopping

Product delivery as a central component of the customer experience: fresh and on time at the customer’s door.


Recent years have seen a sig­nif­i­cant increase in food home deliv­er­ies. With the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic espe­cial­ly, home deliv­ery has become more fre­quent­ly and wide­ly uti­lized. Essen­tial fac­tors in the logis­tics val­ue chain include speed, pro­fes­sion­al­ism and com­pli­ance with hygiene stan­dards.

7Days offers a cus­tomized solu­tion for food home deliv­ery. The effi­cient 7Days logis­tics net­work pro­vides nation­wide cov­er­age, deliv­er­ing fresh, cooled prod­ucts con­ve­nient­ly to the customer’s door. Our qual­i­fied, pro­fes­sion­al staff in the deliv­ery and cus­tomer ser­vice depart­ments are always avail­able to answer cus­tomers’ ques­tions.

Togeth­er we give cus­tomers an out­stand­ing deliv­ery expe­ri­ence, with reli­ably high lev­els of ser­vice qual­i­ty. Migros Online ben­e­fits from the short lead times in the logis­tics net­work, and from dai­ly deliv­ery slots from Mon­day to Sat­ur­day.


«Migros Online is not just an online supermarket. We create a unique shopping experience for our customers. 7Days keeps this premise along the entire logistics value chain, bringing our customers a professional service.»


Migros Online: a pioneering spirit and more than 25 years’ experience

Migros Online was found­ed in 1997 by pri­vate entre­pre­neurs as the small trad­ing com­pa­ny It was the first online super­mar­ket in Switzer­land to start oper­a­tions, and one of the first in the world. Fol­low­ing many years’ con­tin­u­ous growth, the online shop’s prod­uct range now includes around two thirds of the entire Migros range – as well as brand­ed prod­ucts in the dry goods, fresh food, frozen food, alco­hol and non-food prod­uct groups.

With Migros Online, cus­tomers can shop from any­where and choose exact­ly the deliv­ery option that suits them best. It’s all very direct and uncom­pli­cat­ed.

Migros Online deliv­ers to cus­tomers through­out Switzer­land and Liecht­en­stein, oper­at­ing from two dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­tres and three sec­ondary sites. Cus­tomers can opt for deliv­ery dur­ing the day, in the evening or on Sat­ur­day morn­ing.


Business case: professional deliveries of fresh produce to the customer’s door make for high levels of satisfaction

Every day, gro­ceries are ordered online, pack­aged and deliv­ered all over Switzer­land. Covid-19 has enor­mous­ly accel­er­at­ed the struc­tur­al shift from over-the-counter to online retail­ing. Although online activ­i­ty in the food sec­tor has remained rel­a­tive­ly low in recent years com­pared to the non-food sec­tor, it also expe­ri­enced a huge increase dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. In 2021, for exam­ple, Migros Online post­ed year-on-year growth of 24.5 per­cent1 in net sales. Online food and drink sales in Switzer­land in 2021 totalled some 1.47 bil­lion francs2. Accord­ing to the Dig­i­tal Mar­ket Out­look, sales in this seg­ment will con­tin­ue to rise – reach­ing 3.34 bil­lion francs by 20252.

Migros Online used to have a logis­tics part­ner that han­dled deliv­er­ies to end cus­tomers through­out Switzer­land, but as part of its imple­men­ta­tion of a mul­ti-car­ri­er strat­e­gy it con­duct­ed a pilot project that gave 7Days the oppor­tu­ni­ty to demon­strate its skills, expe­ri­ence and high ser­vice qual­i­ty.

The deliv­ery to the end cus­tomer of food ordered online is an essen­tial part of the cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, estab­lish­ing the link between the online and phys­i­cal envi­ron­ments. In addi­tion to prod­uct qual­i­ty, the essen­tial cri­te­ria for the high qual­i­ty of the ser­vice pro­vid­ed by 7Days include reli­a­bil­i­ty, care, punc­tu­al­i­ty, adher­ence to the deliv­ery time slot select­ed by the cus­tomer – and also the per­son­al appear­ance of deliv­ery staff.

When order­ing, the cus­tomer selects the desired date and the time slot for the deliv­ery. Migros Online packs orders at the end-cus­tomer lev­el in cool­ing bags and reusable con­tain­ers, which are then deliv­ered to the applic­a­ble 7Days hub – either by Migros Online or by a trans­port com­pa­ny act­ing on its behalf. 7Days han­dles trans­ship­ment and the dis­tri­b­u­tion of the trans­port con­tain­ers to the rel­e­vant routes. Dri­vers then deliv­er the goods in suit­able trans­port con­tain­ers, hand­ing them over per­son­al­ly at cus­tomers’ front doors. Emp­ty con­tain­ers such as box­es, isobags and cool­ing sys­tems are imme­di­ate­ly tak­en away again.

Reusable con­tain­ers are then con­sol­i­dat­ed and returned to the sender, while pack­ag­ing mate­r­i­al and recy­cling items are dis­posed of pro­fes­sion­al­ly.

The entire trans­port process through­out the logis­tics val­ue chain is avail­able to Migros Online in the form of near-time data, enabling it to proac­tive­ly noti­fy cus­tomers of any dis­rup­tion or delay.